Instructions, Procedures and Documents Required to Authenticate Commercial Invoices (Export/re-export invoices) and Issuance of Certificates of Origin




The Amman Chamber of Commerce issues certificates of origin for agricultural and animal products, Jordanian raw natural resources, foreign goods that are re-exported, and for foreign goods purchased from the Jordanian local market under specific conditions. The Chamber also issues certificates of origin for Jordanian industrial products as requested by the exporter based on the original manufacturer's invoice certified by an industry chamber and an original and duly certified certificate of origin issued by an industry chamber proving that the goods are of Jordanian origin, in accordance with the provisions of Article (29) of the Jordanian Chambers of Commerce Regulation No. (45) of 2009 and instructions for issuing certificates of origin for the year 2013.


First: Instructions and Documents Required to Obtain Certificates of Origin: 

 (1) Export/Re-export Invoice:

The exporter must be a member registered with the Chamber, pay the fees of the fiscal year when the service is provided to them, and present an original commercial (export) invoice signed by the authorized person who is the administrative or financial signatory for the organization/company according to the commercial register, including information related to the goods in terms of: (type, quantity, value, origin of goods). The invoice must contain the name of the exporter, address, the name of the importer, address, the number and date of the invoice, adding the text of the exporter's declaration as follows: (in Arabic or English) depending on the language of the export invoice:


"نشهد بأن هذه الفاتورة صحيحة وحقيقية وأنها الوحيدة الصادرة عنّا بشأن البضاعة المبينة فيها، وأن الأسعار المذكورة فيها تُعبّر عن القيمة الحقيقية لهذه البضاعة وأن البضاعة من منشأ (………….).

"We hereby certify that this invoice is in all respects correct and true both with regard to the price and description of the goods referred herein and that the country of the origin is (………….)".

(2) Agricultural and Animal Products and Jordanian Raw Natural Resources:

A. An original commercial (export) invoice stating the information in Item No. (1).

B. An export permit (original and valid) issued and certified by the Ministry of Agriculture for certain goods, including but not limited to: (table eggs, honey, raw sheep wool and skins, raw salted cow skins, live animals, fresh or chilled meat, beehives, live ornamental birds, fruit trees or perennial trees); or an export permit issued by the Energy and Minerals Sector Regulatory Authority for Jordanian raw natural resources, including but not limited to: (raw building stone, broken marble, volcanic tuff, raw sand), or any commodity or raw material extracted from Jordanian soil.

(3) Re-exported Goods, Goods Imported to Free Zones and goods Exported by Transit:

When requesting the issuance of a certificate of origin for foreign goods for the purpose of export or re-export, the exporter shall show the following:

A. An original commercial (export) invoice stating the information in Item No. (1).

B. The certificate of origin for the shipment (goods to be exported) issued by a foreign or Arab Chamber of Commerce (certified and original) under which the goods were imported.

C. A completed and certified Jordanian customs declaration (import, re-export or transit), a Jordanian customs certificate certified by the Jordanian Customs Department, or an entry (deposit) statement certified by the Free Zone/Jordanian Customs Department.

d. The foreign invoice for the shipment (for goods to be exported) is original and certified by an Arab or foreign Chamber of Commerce or Industry, provided that the exporter's name and address (Amman - Jordan) are stipulated in these documents.

e. The bill of lading for the shipment (goods) from the country of export and the local bill of lading.

* Note:

In specific cases, the original (EURO 1) movement certificate certified by one of the European Chambers of Commerce or Industry is accepted instead of the European Certificate of Origin, provided that it indicates the origin of the goods, contains the name and address of the exporter (Amman - Jordan), the description of the goods and their details in this document and includes all the information and data necessary to issue the certificate of origin.

 (4) Goods Imported Directly from One Country to Another Outside Jordan:

Goods that are exported directly from the country of origin and/or the country of export to the importing country without the goods passing through Jordanian territory. The beneficiary (intermediary) of the goods is the merchant registered with the Chamber. The trader must do the following:

A. Present an original commercial invoice stating the information contained in Item No. (1), in addition to a statement stating that the goods were exported directly from the country of origin and/or the country of export to the importing country.

B. To show an original foreign or Arab certificate of origin (bearing the name of his organization/company and its address in Jordan), duly certified and containing all information about the goods.

C. The foreign invoice for the shipment (for the goods to be exported) is original and certified by an Arab or foreign Chamber of Commerce or Industry, provided that the exporter's name and address (Amman - Jordan) are stated in these documents.

D. The bill of lading for the shipment (goods) from the export country.

E. The original bank/documentary credit opened by a Jordanian bank for the shipment (goods to be exported) in favor of the issuing organization/company (beneficiary) or a certified true copy of it from the same bank.

 (5) Local Manufactures:

A. Exported by the Merchant (the registrar is a member of the Chamber):

1- Present an original local purchase invoice issued by the Jordanian manufacturer or producer containing all the information related to the goods, certified by the manufacturer or producer and by a Jordanian Chamber of Industry depending on the geographical scope and affixed to the sentence (No objection to export) by the manufacturer or producer, or a letter issued by the manufacturer or producer containing its consent to export the goods by the trader.

2. An original industrial certificate of origin issued and certified by a Jordanian Chamber of Industry according to the geographical scope contains all the information contained in the manufacturer's invoice related to the goods. The information contained in the certificate must match the invoice information and prove the origin of the goods.

B. Exported by industrialists in the Capital Governorate (based on the request and/or conditions of documentary credit):

1. Provide an export invoice issued by the factory (exporter) certified by the Amman Chamber of Industry containing all the information related to the goods and the information contained in Item No. (1).

2. An original and duly certified industrial certificate of origin containing the same invoice number above issued by the Amman Chamber of Industry. 

(6) Goods collected by Jordanian local markets, except goods whose export is officially prohibited (other products):

This item includes but is not limited to:

A- [scrap metal, waste cardboard, damaged paper, waste oils, fabric scraps, damaged liquid and dry batteries]. The exporter must present an original export commercial invoice stating the information in Item No. (1), in addition to the original copy of an export permit issued by the Ministry of Environment for some goods, including but not limited to: (damaged batteries). The exporter must certify the export invoice as follows: “We certify that the scrap goods shown in this invoice are collected by the Jordanian local markets” (originating in Jordan), in addition to the text of the exporter's statement in Item No. (1) and is necessary to submit a written letter from the exporter signed by the administrative authorized signatory about the organization/company stating that the goods included in the invoice were collected from the local market and from several street vendors.

B. Arab, foreign and Jordanian books purchased from the local market that have been in publishing houses for a period of time and are re-exported by the publishing houses registered with the Chamber and the Jordanian Publishers Association:

The exporter (the publishing house) must present an original commercial invoice stating the information contained in Item No. (1), in addition to the original copy of a book issued by the Jordanian Publishers Association, signed and certified and addressed to the Amman Chamber of Commerce, containing the information on the export invoice in terms of the name of the exporter (publishing house), the origin of the books, the number of parcels, and the name and address of the importer.

c. Computer Programs: The issuer (programmer) must present an original commercial invoice stating the information contained in Item No. (1), in addition to the original letter issued by the National Library, signed and duly certified.

D. Gold bars and crude gold fraction: The exporter must present an original commercial invoice stating the information in Item No. (1), in addition to a letter issued by the exporter, signed by the administrative authorized signatory of the organization/company and addressed to the Amman Chamber of Commerce stating that the goods included in the export invoice No. (_) are (raw gold bars) or (broken raw gold) and are not manufactured and collected from the Jordanian local market. These goods are given the status of origin (Jordanian local market collection).

E. Foreign goods purchased from the Jordanian local market: The exporter must present an original commercial invoice stating the information in Item No. (1). The Chamber shall approve this export invoice and issue a certificate of origin based on the local purchase invoice. These goods shall be given the status of origin (foreign and local market purchases), provided that the value of this export invoice does not exceed (4000) Jordanian dinars or its equivalent in other currencies. The exporter must show the Chamber the original local purchase invoice. This invoice must be a taxable invoice, signed or signed and sealed with the seal of the local selling organization/company, including information related to the goods (type, amount, origin of the goods, the total invoice value of the goods, in addition to the local selling organization/company stating the origin of the goods and that the invoice is authentic).

(7) Jordanian Handmade Products:

These are handmade products that do not involve manufacturing processes: Where the added local value percentage is low and does not meet the eligibility conditions for the Jordanian manufacturing origin, including but not limited to: (handicrafts products, oriental artifacts, geometric figures, popular or oriental sweets that are not packaged automatically or industrially), the exporter must present an original export commercial invoice stating the information in Item No. (1), in addition to the exporter's statement on the invoice as follows: “We certify that the goods shown in this invoice are Jordanian handmade products.” Even if the export invoice is in English, the exporter must declare the origin of the goods with the following phrase:

"We hereby certify that the goods described in this invoice are of Jordanian Hand Made Products".

(8) Issuing certificates of origin to industrialists registered with the Amman Chamber of Industry for goods of foreign origin:

1. Bring a written letter signed and sealed by the Amman Chamber of Industry stating that the exporter is registered with the Chamber of Industry and has paid their fees for the current fiscal year. The signature on the export invoice with the number (_) is the signature of the authorized signatory for the factory and is identical to the signature kept in the records of the Amman Chamber of Industry.

2. Bring the original industrial registration certificate and the profession license valid for the current fiscal year for the factory.

3. Bring the original documents required to prove the origin and ownership of the goods to the manufacturer (exporter) as mentioned in Item No. (3) on re-exported goods.

Second: Procedures for Issuing a Certificate of Origin:

1-   Review the member services inquiry counter to check the documents and the member's file (the exporter). Then the auditor takes a number to make the transaction.

2-    The competent employee receives and checks the transaction and enters the data on the computer. The auditor then pays the required fees (the prescribed certificate of origin fees in addition to the import stamp fee for the Ministry of Finance, which amounts to five dinars for each certificate of origin) with the same employee, then issues the certificate and the “stamp” of the invoice, and then the transaction is transferred to the head of the department for verification and signature.

3-   The transaction is transferred to the competent employee to stamp the certificate with import stamps and then hand it over to the auditor. 

Third: Service Delivery Location:

Certificates of Origin Section of the Chamber's Member Services Department. 

Fourth: Prescribed Fees:

1-   The capital of the company/organization is five thousand dinars or more: The fee is 1/1000 of the total bill value, with a maximum of fifty dinars and a minimum of four dinars.

2. The capital of the company/organization is less than five thousand dinars: The fee is 0.5/1000 of the total bill value, with a maximum of twenty-five dinars and a minimum of two dinars.

3. Individual (not registered): The fee is one thousand of the total bill value, with a maximum of fifty dinars and a minimum of four dinars.

4. Imprinting the certificate of origin with import stamps worth five dinars for each certificate of origin in favor of the Ministry of Finance.

5. The exporter has the right to obtain two copies of the certificate of origin and two copies of the invoice, provided that one of them is an original and the second is a copy. If the exporter wishes to obtain additional copies, he must pay the prescribed fees as stated in the service of issuing additional copies of the certificate of origin or the invoice, with the need to submit a written letter to the Chamber signed by the administratively or financially authorized person of the organization/company, requesting an additional copy/copies of the certificate of origin. The Chamber’s concerned employee then prints or stamps it (additional copy).